Site Meter Maxwell's Demoness: Manuscript Submitted

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Manuscript Submitted


My first ever First-Author (well, co-first author) paper has just been submitted. It's just a short little technical thing with the finally-finished data set Chtulhu, a bit about hypothesis Duh and the preliminary framework for hypothesis yet-unnamed. But! It is mine (and a few other peoples') and it is done and it is sent out into the aether. In my field, that's not bad for where I am in my degree.

Wish me luck!


Ψ*Ψ said...

Congrats!!! That's so awesome. Here's hoping the reviewers are kind. :)

Anonymous said...

YAY! Submitted manuscripts! *crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

Good luck! It'll be my turn for the same thing in about six months or so, if all goes according to plan.

Maxwell's Demoness said...

Thanks everybody! It's hard to pipette with crossed fingers! =-D

Ψ*Ψ said...

i thought you bio-types had boy bands to do the pipetting for you? ;)

Maxwell's Demoness said...

I wish! I really, really wish!

I've left off commenting on that video so far because everyone else is.

However, I now have a silly story related to that video that I keep meaning to write up one of these days...

Samia said...

Good luck!