Site Meter Maxwell's Demoness: Crystal Structure Rorschach Fun!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crystal Structure Rorschach Fun!

What does this look like to you? BFF Post-Doc says hedge clippers or salad tongs. I am certain it looks mostly like a butterfly. We nearly came to blows over the issue. (OK, not really.) Is crystal structure Rorschach a common obsessional phenomenon like looking for words in protein sequences and gene names that spell or sound like dirty words? Or is it just the geeks in my lab that do this? I wonder.


Black Knight said...

My first thought was

"That's a uterus".

Time for a break, I think. . .

Maxwell's Demoness said...

Hah! That's one I haven't heard yet. That's what I get for making it pink, I guess.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a Wyvern seen from the front with its wings spread high and its neck stretch forward as it roars in anger and defiance and those who would defile its lair...

sigh, I'm such a dork.